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Our Services

Software Training

Our trainers are certified in a wide range of the latest accessibility software solutions, including sensory impaired hardware, such as video magnifiers and assisted listening devices. Due to our trainers providing support into both the educational and commercial sectors we have a great understanding of how technology can be leveraged to support the individual in overcoming the challenges they face.
We understand that technology is useful but not the full solution, through the varied nature of the interactions our trainers have, it enables them to pass on the knowledge of strategies that have helped one individual on to others, helping to empower the community we serve.

Workplace Assessments

Support at whatever level you are studying or working at is important, but it is important to get the right kind of support. Our roots are firmly embedded in supporting students at university, but progressing into to the workplace offers a new set of challenges.
A workplace assessment is a useful tool that provides an independent evaluation of the challenges a colleague faces. To ensure a fair and balanced view of any situation, as well as to help manage expectations on both sides our assessors engage with the colleagues Line Manager / HR department to discuss the appropriateness of the proposed solutions. We have also been known to help with system compatibility testing to ensure the proposed solutions fully benefit the colleague as intended.